Saturday, July 16, 2011

Obama Has Mastered The Art Of Misinformation

  As the discussions, or should I say campaign, transpiring in Washington over raising the debt ceiling reaches fever pitch, Barack Obama seems totally at ease demanding others solve the problem while he continues to point fingers not only at George W. Bush and all republicans, but also his own party. Either he is the most skilled politician, i.e. master of deception, to ever inhabit the oval office, or he actually believes he is the messiah and his words and actions are above reproach. The arrogant narcissism and absolute lack of humility is breathtaking. No wonder the left has transfixed upon him with worshipful adulation. He is the king of spin, the master of misinformation, the great accuser, looking straight into the eyes of the American people denying any culpability for the problem or responsibility to solve it. Great work if you can get it. Anyone for a game of golf. 

During his Friday press conference he accused congress of running up the credit card. Well excuse me, but my high school civics teacher made clear that even though spending bills originate in congress they do not become law until signed by the president. His stimulus, even though written by democrats was pushed by him, as well as Obama Care. The stimulus blew up the deficit faster than any spending bill ever,  and Obama Care, as implementation continues will have dire effects on the deficit, despite democrats fuzzy math and claims that it is paid for, by new taxes and cuts to medicare. It's notable that democrats  passed legislation to cut medicare even though they continue to demagogue the Ryan plan. He also said that, "we cut taxes over the last decade without paying for them. We instituted new programs, like the prescription drug program for seniors without paying for it and fought two wars. We didn't pay for them." Of course we all know that when he said we, he meant George W. Bush.

Let's correct the record. The medicare part D that president Bush signed into law cost 60.8 billion in 2009, which is far less than the 111.2 billion it was projected to cost five years earlier. The program relied heavily  on choice and private drug companies competing to bring costs down, which it did. Paul Ryan's medicare makeover proposes the same type of system. Competition always reduces costs.  Obama Care closes the doughnut hole and takes away choice from medicare part D which will inevitably bring the cost up. Remember the stimulus was more than  787 billion, and all that money was borrowed. The cost of both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars stand at 1.2 trillion right now. That's a lot of money, but that is over a ten year period, and Obama himself is responsible for the last two and a half years of spending, which included a surge in Afghanistan.

How about tax cuts? Let's see what they did to deficits. If you read the ten myths of the Bush tax cuts found at the Heritage Foundation, you'll see that the deficits were created by spending increases for the most part and only a small percentage from the tax cuts. Obama uses the term "tax cuts that were not paid for," but how about spending increases that were not paid for. Spending went up over 20% of GDP in 2006, and is now at 25% of GDP.  Heritage says "the tax cuts played a significant  role in the economy performing better than expected and recovering much of the lost revenue." Tax cuts always increase economic activity, while government spending sucks money out of the private sector. Which would you prefer.....A growing and vibrant private sector, or an ever increasing federal bureaucracy that smothers innovation and incentive?

Last, but not least Obama says, "80% of the American people support an approach that includes revenues..i.e. taxes, and includes cuts."  For the life of me, I can't find that poll. He may be talking about a Gallop poll that asks the question: Congress can reduce the federal deficit by cutting spending, raising taxes, or a combination of the two. How would you prefer to see congress attempt to reduce the federal budget deficit..

Only with spending cuts...........................................20%
Mostly with spending cuts........................................30%
Equally with spending cuts and tax increases..........32%
Mostly with tax increases...........................................7%
Only with tax increases..............................................4%

Only/Mostly with spending cuts.................................50%
Only/Mostly with tax increases..................................11%

How he gets 80% want a balanced approach is beyond me. The question also presents a false narrative, because tax increases will slow economic growth, and a slowing economy always means less revenues. Obama has mastered the art of misinformation, and taken it to a new level, not yet seen in American politics

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