This of course doesn't mean the GOP shouldn't be reexamining their national strategy for 2010 and beyond. It's fairly clear that Tea Party supporters are saying loud and clear, "a pox on both your houses." There is a common sense conservative movement that has had it with a democrat lite approach from the GOP hierarchy, and is poised to enforce their will on a party that is unresponsive to the will of the people. George Bush's compassionate conservatism was simply code for more spending. The Bush years were filled with bloated spending, including a medicare prescription drug entitlement, and increased federal spending on education, and almost every domestic policy, along with an immigration policy that met it's doom with the in utero beginnings of the tea party resistance. The TARP bill and the auto company bailouts before Bush left office were the camel back breaking straws for those who believe in federal budget discipline and free market capitalism. For all the good George Bush did in fighting terrorism, his domestic spending priorities were far over the top, and angered fiscal conservatives beyond repair. And, of course most of the GOP congressional leadership went along with all that spending.
The GOP has revived itself somewhat in opposing the Obama agenda which has made the Bush years look like amateur hour in Washington, as far as out of control spending is concerned. That doesn't mean the Tea Party folks are easily forgetting the spending of the Bush years. The Tea Party movement has shown that whether you're a Democrat or Republican, career politicians, have demonstrated that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Therefore, once in power the temptation to buy votes by overspending is a bipartisan problem that leads to corruption and an elitism that the Tea Party movement abhors. Therefore the Tea Party contingent doesn't want to return to the Republican spending trend, but would rather see a common sense conservative approach to government, that demands fiscal discipline as well as free market solutions.
The Tea party movement lacks one thing, and that is a leader who can galvanize both common sense conservative republicans as well as moderate democrats and disenfranchised independents that are tired of buying into the two party monopoly, that blurs the choices to the American voter. Who could that be. Could it be Newt? I don't think so. His party loyalty to Dede Scozzafava in New York 23 put him soundly in the GOP hierarchy camp. Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty and John Thune are loyal Republicans that won't buck the party. Mike Huckabee, although lovable and likable doesn't have the star quality. That leaves only one person. Sarah Palin, who has been trashed by Republican bigwigs and party apparatchiks. She is the only one with the political clout, and ground swell of support that can lead the Tea Party movement.
She has stated time and again that she's a two party believer, and sees a third party as a formula for disaster. But, with 23% of the electorate behind the Tea Party, the GOP will have to listen, especially when they're only polling 18%, and 73% of the GOP says the leadership has lost touch with their base. It's time for a shakeup, and there only seems to be one individual, and one movement that is poised to make the GOP stand up and take notice. Even if she decides to sit on the sidelines she will be a power broker and king maker. The hierarchy of the Grand Old Party is going to have to swallow hard, put on their sunglasses and look straight into the Aurora Borealis, and accept Alaska's answer to electoral victory. SARAH PALIN!
Maybe it's just me, but whenever I hear someone saying that a Third Party would be disastrous, it makes me think that they are scared of losing their grip on whatever party they belong to.
ReplyDeleteJust an observation. I mean, if the GOP and the Dems were so great, why doesn't every American belong to either one or the other....?
I think Palin is die-hard GOP, but I don't know her personally, so I cannot swear to this. I am definitely watching Palin tear it up with her awesome book tour and sales! Good for her! She needs to get some cash thanks to all those asinine lawsuits the liberals in Alaska were heaping upon her. (How many actually found her guilty? Uh huh. Thought so.)
I also find it interesting when I see liberal bloggers refer to her as a bit*h, like they actually know her or something. When people refer to another in such fashion, that only makes me want to know more about the person being insulted. Hasn't the liberal media machine learned that yet?
Cooper's dad, I liked this article. I don't hate Palin or love her. She is definitely worth watching, though. I am reading her book right now and am finding it to be a great read.
As a Conservative Independent who has thrown his lot in with the Constitution Party, (I guess I'm not an Independent anymore, huh?), I think it wold be aces if Palin did indeed lead this new Tea Party. But I'm not betting on it.
Great comments, and after hearing her interview with Lars Larsen, she doesn't seem to be ruling out a run as a third party candidate, but once again whatever she does she's going to have some clout...
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